
American Fighter Plane Costume for Kids

Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $35.99.

SKU: fg7ZXXxsHShO Category:


Size Chart

  • ST
Size Measurement Standard Metric
Standard Chest 35″ 89cm
Standard Tunic Length 32″ 81cm
Standard Wingspan 54″ 137cm

InchesCentimetersCostume Sizing TipsFeatures

  • American Fighter Plane Kids Costume
  • Sturdy 100% polyester foam-backed twill fabric
  • Hooded tunic is sleeveless w/ face arm openings
  • “Bombs” are held to wings by elastic bands–arms slide under them
  • Exclusive

You’re sitting in a dark theater full of people. The crowd hushes as the lights dim and the silver screen starts to flutter to life in the light of the projector. Across the ocean, troops are fighting on land, by sea, and mostinterestinglyby air. It wasn’t so long ago that people learned to fly and now here you are, watching your country man take on the enemyamongthe clouds. With the dramatically painted planes and the complicated way they’re taking on the enemy, it’s no wonder that these films that people watched way back in the forties are still inspirational to people today!

Is your kid a bit of a historybuff? Is she always perking up when anything about the war to end all wars ismentioned? Is he interested intheevolution of the air force, telling thejetsof todayapart from the ones that are displayed at your local memorial park? For a kid with a keen interest in all things military, this costume is perfect. The plane will inspire your child’s imagination and sense of play, as they won’t be able to resist making old timey motor noises as they stretch out their wings.

The costume is easy to put on, one piece completes the whole look. The hooded tunic slides on over your child’s head and then the arms simply slide through the slots in the wings. Your child will love the intimidating toothy mouth on the hood and thepropellerat the top of their head. With eyes on the back of the hood and a sculpted tail on the back end, this costume is awesome from every angle. Who knows, thiscostumemight justgodown in history!


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